Glad to see that Dr. Sai continues the good fight. I heard him speak at UH and he’s an excellent legal scholar. With the help of the international court system, he might just help Hawaiians regain their sovereign rights.

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At last, a voice of reality enters this world of conquest. Some native people in North America maintain that they were never conquered but of course their voices have been ignored. Maybe we are finally reaching a time when these voices can be heard and sovereignty respected. Maybe watching genocide in "real time" in Gaza has lifted the veil of denial about the ongoing genocides conducted by "settler occupiers." Let's have this reoriented understanding inform our human interaction everywhere with mutual respect, sovereignty, cooperation and integrity.

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Because it is almost completely forgotten, and for 100% adapted in the reality of today that it was legal what happened when Columbus, as the first of all following Europeans, put his boots on the soil of the real Americans, who at the end are almost totally rooted out:

the factually European occupation of the land of the peoples of North America lasts already 532 years. These Europeans never had enough and will never have enough, not even when finally all planets in the universe are taken and marked with what they name the American flag, but which is nothing else than a European flag.

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“on the even of” > “on the eve of”

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never “ceased” to exist

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Mahalo Pascal Lottaz for your concise summary of Dr. Sai's academic life work PROVING that foreign countries ALREADY recognized in the 'league of Nations' can NOT be usurped merely by another country's own congressional ACT! Lawfully (((only))) a SIGNED Treaty of Cession by BOTH countries can relinquish a county's property rights & sovereignty per international law-- which the occupier clearly ALREADY knew! US had drafted & acquired signed treaties of cession with other countries (Alaska from Russia, California from Mexico etc...) PRIOR to their efforts to take the Hawaiian Kingdom! TIME TO FLIP THE SCRIPT & GRANT HAWAIIAN KINGDOM'S FULL SOVERIGNTY RIGHTS BACK! Imua! (<--keep moving forward)

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Didn't you hear. The Democrats and Republicans agreed to give Hawaii independence and remove everyone who is not at least partly indigenous Hawaiian?


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