“The law was made FOR man not man FOR the law.” Thus said a man 2000 years ago. “There is nothing new under the sun. “ Ambassador Freeman has hit the metaphorical nail on the head once again.

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A few years back, I heard a fellow on another platform go on about the Rule of Law. He was going on about how they had to be followed, but gave no definition.

Ambassador Freeman is owed a debt for the concise definition:

"supposes that the United States – or the United States plus the club of former imperialist powers called the “G7” – can make the rules, alter them at will, exempt themselves from them, and determine to whom else they do or do not apply."

To make it even more concise, one could define the Rule of Law as whatever we want it to be.

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Sincere appreciation Pascal for your efforts.

The former Diplomats' articles/links that you included, are very interesting, and do echo thoughts of what many intelligent people who already think that way. Time for action.

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Ursula v d Leyen defines herself as Homo Europeus, she no longer sees or defines herself as German. Many in the German elit denounce their Germanness.

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